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Scheduled 6-Mans

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:02 am
by Renfield
I am willing to host scheduled 6-man instances but I will need your input first.

These 6-mans do not necessarily mean just the new cnent but some old wolrd content as well for those who still need the quests or just want a change of pace. What I need to know is what times people are available and is there a particular instance you would like to run?

I was thinking that on raid nights, we could easily run 2 instances starting 2 hours before raid. The instance we run would be based on what classes are available and what AA feats we have at our disposal. We could run the first instance and then break group and reform to account for those people who just got home due to work, etc.

Let me know what you think and we can start figuring out the best way to go about getting scheduled runs together. Since I am recently retired and have more time on my hands (at least for the next few months), I am available for most of the day so if you want to also get some stuff going then, please dont be shy and lets see what we can get going.


Re: Scheduled 6-Mans

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:14 pm
by AndarrofSet
Sounds good to me. I can be on most days at 6 central.

Arrtemis has both FH and TW.

I'd like to get back into IT because I haven't crafted Ironswill in months and also there is a rare boss drop in Xib I'd mortgage the farm to get my hands on :D

Re: Scheduled 6-Mans

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:21 am
by Teiya
Well i guess it works for those who are ALWAYS on at a certain time, however, unless it is Friday around 5pm Central, or the weekend or i hav a day off, i cannot be there for a "planned" 6 man. I think u definitely hav to hav 6 people that are always on at that time. I know very few people can be on always at the same time, so i was just inputting :)

Re: Scheduled 6-Mans

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:05 pm
by Donof
Been a while since this was posted, but thought I'd add a response nonetheless. I'm always interested in 6-mans, mostly in Khitai, but old-world too. I normally not available before raids though, so that would be out. However, I'm always up for a quick 6-man (RoF and/or Palace) after raids, and other dungeons at different times.

Mostly, though, I would be very interested in organized Yag circuits going if folks are interested. These are usually 2 1/2 hour commitments, so they would need to be scheduled on off-raid nights (Friday/Saturday or Sunday). If you run GS Necropolis/Malice/Yag you can end up with a good number of Rare Tokens, AAs and hopefully gear. I have a lowbie ranger camped outside of Yag... if others do, it's not too hard to key them so they can go in and search for the Spawn boss...

One thing I've seen work quite well is to organize a Yag raid... once everyone has signed up, they can be moved to different groups based on experience, required skill sets, etc. The groups then leave raid and go do their thing.

I don't know how others feel about the Khitai gear, but I find it's on par and some even better than the T3... I love the wolf set for my HoX cause it has strength.intell and constitution, so it helps me survive and dps in T3.

Generally, I like to bring my main (HoX atm) to get the Rare Tokens, but I have a Necro and ToS that are fairly advanced if they're needed. Also have a barb and sin, both with TW/FH, but absolutely no experience with them in 6-mans, so not sure how good I'd be.

Anyway, just wanted to let you all know I'm always looking for 6-mans, and always prefer guild teams to pug ones.


Re: Scheduled 6-Mans

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:36 pm
by Vuniceth
Indeed, scheduled 6-mans would be sexy.

Re: Scheduled 6-Mans

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:44 pm
by NytteBlade
Day time not going to happen except Saturday and Sundays mostly for me...

I have these available for 6mans:

Nytteblade (My Main still needs chest, back and necklace so lots of RT!!!!)

Nyteguard (has done GS Yag circuit, den of crows, Palace)

Nytelore ( carnage conq but I would like to gear him up as a possible alt for some Khitai stuff)

Re: Scheduled 6-Mans

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:04 pm
by Takemt
I'm always game for 6-mans as longs as my internet connection in the hotel will allow me to do them. I have 2 toons I can do 6-mans with Takemt & my Bear Shaman Duvalcrawl.

Re: Scheduled 6-Mans

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 10:34 am
by calithon
bump for a good idea, though i would like to try other 6 mans in GS mode. I'm about yagged out

Re: Scheduled 6-Mans

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:10 pm
by Vuniceth
We've had 6-mans going before, during, and after main raids all week long. Basically, main raid time +- 2 hours.

Re: Scheduled 6-Mans

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:28 am
by Tupak
i am always willing to learn and try to slay!!!